
Nowadays, we are in a rapidly changing and evolving world wherein each moment a significant development is happening in a diverse direction of technology. These multi-directional changes create various opportunities to solve the challenges on the pathway toward excellence. Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) is an example of a modern-day solution to avoid many other overhead problems. […]

Docker has revolutionized the IT industry by stepping in 2013 as a platform that uses OS-level virtualization to expose software applications to the internet. By leveraging the containerization model, the earlier problems faced by development and operations teams have been mitigated. In the digital transformation era, we could see some formerly advanced methods and technologies […]

CI and CD stand for continuous integration and continuous delivery/continuous deployment. In other words, CI is a contemporary method of software development where incremental code changes are reliably and regularly produced. Code updates that are merged into the repository are made reliable by automated build-and-test procedures that are sparked by CI. Then, the code is […]